Friday, July 15, 2016

1500 Calorie Diet - Following an Easy Diet Menu to Quick Weight Loss

The key to losing weight is to go on a lower calorie diet than your normal one. Just like most of us you probably have quite a busy lifestyle to start a restrictive diet, so the optimal solution would be the 1500 calorie diet. It is not extremely restrictive, but highly effective. Still, you have to use a few basic rules to make it work optimally.

1500 Calorie Diet

Generally weight gain is one vicious cycle that is not easy to get out of. You eat more because you are under stress and take pleasure from the extremely delicious, but very unhealthy foods. Being overweight causes your body to lose its elegance and beauty and as a result you become less confident in yourself and even angered. In turn you get more depressed and you keep eating. What is even worse is that due to your job and daily duties you simply do not have the time to exercise and to cook healthy meals. However, you need to find motivation and stop all this if not for the sake of your looks then for your health. The 1500 calorie diet is the optimal choice.

This type of nutritional plan will not make you starved. This means that you will be less likely to go to any kind of extremes and that you will be able to keep your motivation. The result is effective weight loss - you will be able to fit into smaller cloths plus your belly fat will be gone for good. The general shape of your figure will be much slender and elegant, which always helps for the good self esteem, for the easier and more effective communication and for success in general. All you need to do is to adopt the 1500 calorie diet, which is diverse, nutritional and easy to keep. It is not true that the more restrictive nutritional plan will provide you with quick results.

The 1500 calorie diet does not involve the exclusion of a nutrient group, but this does not mean that you can eat everything. Excluding the junk food from your menu and reducing the sweets in it substantially is essential for success. It is best to have four to five meals a day - breakfast, lunch and preferably two snacks. Drinking plenty of water also helps - apart from keeping you full and reducing the hunger pangs, it aids the metabolism, which allows for the more effective burning of fat. You can take a ready 1500 calorie dietary plan, but you can also make one of your own. Simply prepare your menu for the week by doing basic calculations. Do not be afraid to exceed the limit by a few calories.

It can be safely said that the 1500 calorie diet is the optimal nutritional plan for any busy modern day woman or man. You can enjoy it and its benefits to the fullest starting from today. The results will be quick to come since your body will use only the necessary amounts of energy without you experiencing any health side effects or general problems.

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Saturday, July 9, 2016

Weight Loss Workout For Men Over 40

The older we get, the more difficult it seems to lose the extra weight that is put on over the years. Being over the age of 40 can make weight loss seem like a daunting task but it doesn't have to be at all. The methods for shedding pounds is effective for men of any age. Yes, diet and exercise are the main components but how you perform them is what makes the difference.

Weight Loss Workout

Below I will explain how to workout in a more efficient manner that burns more fat in less time. One thing that I like to point out is that there is no such thing as spot reduction. People often fall for the marketing that is often on television for ab machines. The commercials make it seem as though just working out your ab muscles will help to burn stomach fat.

In order to burn fat, you must build muscle. Resistance training is the best workout for this. There are several ways you can build muscle. My favorite is by using my own body weight. Several good exercises include:

  • Calisthenics
  • Plyometrics
  • Weight lifting
  • Interval training
Calisthenics are body weight routines that can include push-ups, sit-ups, pull-ups, lunges, squats, jumping jacks, and more. Plyometrics are often used by athletes. These exercises are designed for fast and powerful movements usually to improve a specific training goal such as developing speed. Weight lifting is simply the practice of lifting weights (free-weights or machines.) Interval training is a way to perform several exercises back to back for a set and resting for a minute or so in between sets.
All of these workouts burn fat well and when you combine interval training, you can get a full-body workout done in about 45 minutes. Using free-weights is also a better option than relying on weight machines. The machines limit the movements of body parts whereas free-weight movements mimic what you do on a daily basis.

If you do enjoy cardio workouts such as running, you can still perform them on the days you are not building muscle. Keep in mind that too much cardio runs the risk of muscle loss. Spending an hour or longer doing cardio isn't necessary. Most important is to keep your workouts fun. Find new body weight routines that you can add to your workouts to keep them fresh.

The equipment needed is minimal. I recommend dumbbells (light and heavy), adjustable bench, jump rope, elastic bands, and medicine ball.

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Thursday, June 23, 2016

An Overlooked Way to Build Muscle Up Fast

What exactly is a superset?

Build Muscle

A superset is when two weight training are done with no rest interval separating them. The exercises selected have to be working opposite muscle groups. For example a set of tricep press downs followed by barbell curls.

Why perform supersets?

First off they are probably a nice change from what you have been previously doing. They place a new and different stress on the muscles which gives them additional stimulus to grow. Furthermore when you take out the rest time between sets you stop yourself from becoming distracted and in turn it keeps you focussed on your objective. Also after doing a superset you will more than likely feel a powerful muscle pump whereby the muscles are literally being pumped full of oxygenated blood to help cope with the demands which is a real good feeling. Overall they are a great way to build muscle up fast.

Doing supersets prevents you from cooling down to quickly and keeps your heart rate higher creating an almost aerobic workout too. Another top thing about supersets is that they provide you with an edge of excitement, variety and challenge to your training sessions.

What supersets should I try?

The following combinations are some of my favourite and provide a tough but satisfying workout: Bent bar curl/lying tricep extension, Dumbbell incline press/dumbbell pullover/seated lat row, Leg extension/leg curl/calf raise, Dumbbell alternate curl/overhead tricep extension, Bench press/wide grip pulldown, Chins/dips/rope tuck, Steep dumbbell shoulder press/sidearm lateral raise,
What tips can you give me when doing them?

Well, make sure that you keep strict form through the exercises. It is all to easy to get carried away with it and start using sloppy form. This is particularly true because you are going to be out of breathe more than you usually would be lifting weights and because you will be switching from one exercise to another very quickly. Keeping good form will prevent injury and ensure the muscles you want to hit will be trained properly.

Anything else I should know in order to build muscle now with supersets?

With the increased intensity of supersets it may be wise to cut the volume slightly and shoot for just a couple of supersets however if your fitness and energy levels are good by all means do more. use a different superset every workout between your normal sets to prevent yourself from becoming worn out.

It should also go without saying that you will have to continue to eat a lot of quality build muscle food, we all know muscle comes from excess calories so keep eating quality foods and also make sure you keep your water intake high. Finally, make sure you do not over train, this is the number one reason for lack of muscle gain along with poor nutrition. Working out twice a week will be plenty for the majority of people and that is probably more than enough for hard gainers. OK then, why not go ahead and build muscle up with supersets just make sure you bear the above guidance in mind. I can near enough garauntee you will not be disappointed!

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